
Thursday, February 23, 2006


Read and download these classics from the Jesus Army site.

All these free e-books are in Adobe PDF format.

Eberhard Arnold: - Early Christians - God's revolution - Innerland - Salt and light - Selected writings - Why we live in community

Emmy Arnold: - A joyful pilgrimage

Johann Christoph Arnold: - Be not afraid - Why forgive?

J Heinrich Arnold: - Discipleship

St Augustine: - Confessions

Venerable Bede: - Ecclesiastical history of England

St Bernard of Clairvaux: - On loving God

Blumhardt: - Thy Kingdom come (a reader, edited by Vernard Eller)

Horatius Bonar: - God's way of peace - The rent veil

Catherine Booth: - Aggressive christianity - Female teaching

William Booth: - Darkest England - Purity of heart - A vision of the lost

EM Bounds: - The necessity of prayer - The possibility of prayer - Power through prayer - The weapon of prayer

John Bunyan: - Grace abounding to the chief of sinners - The holy war - Pilgrim's progress

Samuel Chadwick: - Call to perfection - The way to Pentecost

Charles Dickens: - The life of our Lord

Alfred Edersheim: - The life and times of Jesus the Messiah - Vol. 2 - The Temple

Jonathan Edwards: - Religious affections - Sinners in the hands of an angry God

Early Christian Fathers: - The apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus - Fathers of the Second Century

Fenelon: - Spiritual progress (with Guyon)

Charles Finney: - Lectures to professing Christians - Power from on high - Revival lectures - Sermons on important subjects

John Flavel: - On keeping the heart

George Fox: - Autobiography

Foxe: - Foxe's book of martyrs

Mme Guyon: - Autobiography - Short and easy method of prayer (originalversion of Experiencing Jesus Christ) - Song of Songs (Reflections) - Spiritual progress (with Fenelon)

St Thomas a Kempis: - Imitation of Christ

William Law: - A serious call

Brother Lawrence: - The practice of the presence of God

Ignatius Loyola: - Spiritual exercises

Dwight Moody: - Heaven - Lost and found - Some sayings - What must I do to be saved?

Andrew Murray: - Absolute surrender - The deeper Christian life - Deeper life - Divine healing - Helps to intercession - Like Christ - The missionary problem - New life - The power of persevering prayer - The school of obedience - The two covenants - With Christ in the school of prayer - Within - Working for God

Watchman Nee: - The normal Christian life

Peter Riedemann: - Love is like fire (Confession)

Sadhu Sundar Singh: - Wisdom of the Sadhu

CH Spurgeon: - All of grace - Morning and evening - Sermons Till He come

Erlo Stegen: - Revival among the Zulus

St Teresa of Avila: - Life - The way of perfection

Tolstoy: - Walk in the light and other stories

AW Tozer: - The pursuit of God

William Tyndale (trans): - The Bible (text version) - Facsimile of first printed English NT, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Intro to reprint

John Wesley: - Journal - A plain account of Christian perfection - The use of money

Zuendel: - The Awakening (Blumhardt)

More e-books

Jesus Army free e-books
Christian Classics Ethereal Library - Shortlist
Christian section of the Online Books page


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