
Sunday, September 18, 2005

About Me~~No...It's About JESUS

About Me~~Well, It's NOT...It's About JESUS

♪♥Only Trust HIM -John H. Stockton

No,Not about me!* It's About THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON WHO EVER LIVED! HIS name is JESUS. GOD came down to earth on a mission, to save hurting, dying, condemned mankind from all pain, sickness, sorrow, & a fate worse than death (eternal damnation).

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

One day, Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. Knowing The LORD of the Universe the greatest honor is to help others come to know HIM too.

*For those who are curious about me, I have written a little about myself in two entries...First Entry in This Journal », and the:A BLISSFUL MOTHERS' DAY .

If you'd like to ask questions, or make comments-please know YOU are always VERY WELCOME to do so!!! I LOVE reading from you!

It will be an honor to meet all my family in the LORD one day! Hey, you know that we'll be neighbors forever...ok. So-you're invited over to my place (in heaven!~here we-you & I-need to be about GOing into all the world and telling everyone about HIM & HIS Wonderful News of Salvation, Healing, and Deliverance! But In heaven, we'll have all the timewe want to visit!) E V E R Y B O D Y!!! (Yes, THAT MEANS YOU!!) Please, come on over, and visit me. Imagine the GLORY we'll share there! With JESUS!


yeshuaessenor at 9:57:00 AM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 3 comments: (Add your own)
    Thanks for letting me know about the picture. ('cause I can't tell-it shows up fine on my aol and even on mozzila...) hmmm...what to do? I'll re-upload it at ImageShack and get a new URL. (I think I'm only supposed to use the URL 1 time...I've used the present URL 2 or 3 times already.) maybe-that's it??? We'll see.
    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 6/1/05 9:41 PM

    The picture didn't show up on this page from image shack... Just wanted to let ya know. : )
    Comment from setcaptivesfree - 6/1/05 8:55 PM

    oh yeah!! Praise God!! And yes I promise to come look you up :)
    Comment from angelrose2u - 5/30/05 6:31 PM


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