
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Our Way May "Look Nice" and All, but GOD's Way, is INFINITELY BETTER - LASTS FOREVER.

Our Way May "Look Nice" and All, but

♥♪Standing In the Need of Prayer ♥♪A Beautiful Life ♥♪A Glorious Church♥♪

Just had a dream:

Our floor looked...."hmmmm, what's going on with our floor?"

We had painted the floor white! It looked nice, clean...not dirty, but the paint was ...being worn off & underneath the paint -to my surprise, and yet it was natural that it was there- was this Luscious Exquisite Dark Sky Blue carpet.

I said, well, that's weird -why would we paint the floor?

We had TRIED to make it look nice is why! (I remembered that before we had painted the floor, it had been....ugly, it had been some old regular flooring that had gotten marred and unsightly).

Well, where the paint was being worn off, was still pretty - it looked like swirled marble?

But I said, this is silly! We need to get rid of this paint! And I noticed there was water on the floor, and where the water was, the paint was coming off ALOT...

so I started pouring more water on the floor and picking up the paint, which was very easy to remove.....

The Carpet underneath was not being affected in the least with the paint. It was Gorgeous...perfect...not stained It was indestructibly unchangeable in it's beauty..


When I awoke, I understood this dream.

The paint on the floor is our relationship with GOD...and our lives(notice the carpet was the substance that was holding us up...supporting us.).... I had tried to do the best I could the right way (to support ourselves) , but....My works and MY ideas how to do things were being eroded away (though they were based on HIS WORD)...and GOD's establishment of our relationship was being revealed.

When I realized the difference between My establishment, and HIS--- I knew to start 'taking away' my works and reveal and enjoy HIS.


but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Romans 4:5 (KJV)

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yeshuaessenor at 10:50:00 AM EDT (Link to this entry)
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LOVE: Our Way May "Look Nice" and All, but GOD's Way, is INFINITELY BETTER - LASTS FOREVER.

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