
Friday, August 26, 2005

My Daughter Kami Michelle

6 months - Said "Amen" to prayer
9 months - counted to 10 in English and Chinese
12 months - says A,B,C's
18 months - John 3:16
26 months - The LORD's Prayer
2 1/2 years old - Accompanied us on our 1st Missions Trip to Mexico.
learns few Chinese Words and Characters, learned Spanish Song (JESUS Yo TE Amo)& few Spanish phrases (GOD bless you and Adios...)
3 years old - memorized intire books after hearing them 3 or 4 times...THE GINGERBREAD MAN by Richard Scary and PUT ME IN THE ZOO by Dr. Seuss. So, I taught her to read. Reading 2nd Grade Reader.
4 years -Does simple addition and subtraction, has learned phonetics of Chines language and English. Studying Chinese Writting, & 3rd Grade Reader
I kept her at the grade level of her age...until one year she read and studied GOD's HOLY WORD.
Her father was concerned for her secular education and so, we enrolled her in a Private Christian School.
She did really well with A's, B's, and C's.
infant would wimper if her hand got 'dirty' as she crawled around.
6 months would try to 'protect me' -crawling in front of me- when I was being tickled.
1 year old - puts away toys
2 years old - begins helping in the home. I was washing dishes, and she asked if she could wash the
dishes...I shook my head, smiling..."Well....., maybe for Christmas you can." She went right out and
was back in a few minutes. "Momma, come and see what I did!"
She had made up my bed. Can you imagine! A big double bed. A 2 year old made it up! It wasn't 100% perfect, but it was 'good' smooth and nice on the top, just the sides and bottom of the covers being 'lopsided'. I was so surprised. I grabbed her up, so PROUD of her! And thankful to GOD for HIS sending her to me, this 'incredible being full of love and intelligence' I danced-spun her around telling her how wonderful she is and how very proud I am of her. Well, I ...didn't have the heart to say she couldn't do the dishes after that. She started with plastics and spoons. Then she so wanted a broom. My mom or myself finally found one her size. She was happy when she was helping out. GOD Bless her!
Before she was born, I was working in a Christian Family Restaurant.
Many visiting ministers and Bible students would feel led to pray over her, GOD truly heard all their
prayers, and I am very humbled to be honored to be her mom and I wonder what Great Plans GOD has
for her life
She has since grown up.....
graduated from U.V.A.
.......GOD please keep her from all evil
guide her and bless her all the days of her life.
Please pour out your HOLY SPIRIT on her and all my and all YOUR children, LORD.
amen, and amen


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