
Saturday, July 30, 2005

Saturday, July 30, 2005 Special Blessings

Special Blessings

For Someone Special
"Till The Storm Passes By" "He Will Carry You." "What A Friend" "Isn't Our Lord Wonderful!"
"Been Through Enough."

Windows Media Windows Media RealMedia RealAudio

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I never knew children were so wonderful until
I had them.
To think I was so TIMID about having children at first!
And when the first was on the way - I felt "I totally was
NOT ready for this!"
Then a Christian lady shared with me that children are
a reward from the LORD.
"REALLY?!" I asked (I had NEVER heard that in my life!)
And she showed it to me.
Psalms 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD:
and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

Well, right then I wasn't ..timid anylonger. If GOD is going
to give a REWARD (I mean, hey, HE can give ANYTHING)
then it has to be something REALLY REALLY GOOD!

.........and if HE is sending me a child, well, then HE must
think I am ready - or that I WILL BE ready when she arrives!

I found everything to be TRUE. Nothing on earth is quite as
wonderful as a child. (from 1 to 92 no matter how old they are,
or WHOSE they are...they are what 'treasures laid up in heaven'
are all about)

**So, Dear Father, **
At this time, I Thank YOU, for all YOUR loving kindnesses to me,
and to my family through all these years.
Thank YOU, LORD! for all YOUR beautiful blessings.


Wonderful Praise and Worship Music is:

6/20/2005 - Monday's Program

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found at www.oneplace.com

yeshuaessenor at 10:57:00 PM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 6 comments: (Add your own)
    Thank you, SetCaptivesFree,
    I just got a little program for doing .gifs
    which I'm really thankful for.

    You're right about the only thing we can
    take with us from this life are loved ones!

    I think about this ALOT.

    ....as I'm pretty sure everyone who LOVES JESUS

    May GOD bless, keep, and guide you and yours always.

    (and everybody else ~Be Blessed, Beloved!)
    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 8/4/05 10:06 PM


    I just noticed the special effects on your pictures of the kids, wow! How neat!
    Comment from setcaptivesfree - 8/4/05 9:55 PM


    Oh yes, they are so beautiful! I just put some pictures up of my little ones too. Our loved ones are the only things from this earth that we can take with us to heaven.
    Comment from setcaptivesfree - 8/4/05 9:54 PM


    you are truly blessed cammie :), thanks for the song link--wonderful

    Comment from angelrose2u - 7/30/05 11:52 PM


    Thank you, AngelRose.
    Yes, these are 3 of my wonderful children.

    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 7/30/05 11:47 PM


    awesome cammie, love the graphics. Are these your children? Beautiful

    Comment from angelrose2u - 7/30/05 11:07 PM


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LOVE: Saturday, July 30, 2005 Special Blessings

Fire of GOD

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