
Friday, April 29, 2005

Easter is a HEINOUS HORRIBLE celebration of EVIL heathens

Easter is a HEINOUS HORRIBLE celebration of EVIL heathens


Easter is the name of the barebreasted godess of fertility comes down from heaven in an egg, burst out of the egg, on the first sunday after the vernal equinox, turned a bird into an egg-laying rabbit. the evil priests who worshipped this godess impregnated virgins on the altar of easter on easter sunday, and 1 year later they would sacrifice the babies to this godess taking the babies blood and dipping eggs into their blood to change the eggs into blood red color.

it all goes back to the slaughter of children, the sacrificing of children.

In the King James Bible it uses easter in 12th chapter of Acts, however, in the original language in the Greek in that case, it is PASSOVER.

JESUS was born on the first day of the Jewish Tishri the beginning of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles the Celebration of GOD coming to live among HIS people.

CHRISTmas: december 25th is the birthday of the sun god. semaramis became easter and tamuz (sun god) was her illegitamate son he was born on Dec. 25th....ra egyptian sun god Dec. 25th...

Constantine incorporated all these pagan festivals into the christianity of that time

Is GOD pleased about this?

NO. Just look at what HE says in HIS WORD:

Do not learn the way of the heathen, do not do what they do and say you are doing it in worship to ME. it is utterly putrid and vile ...

BUT, you may be thinking, we don't do the things that way---we've cleaned them up, (forgive me, LORD) "christianized" it.

How can you pick up nasty-slimy vomit clean it up and offer it to Our HOLY FATHER as worship???? I repeat-NO. Gross.

Will I ever partake in these evil celebrations again.


I thank GOD I haven't done the easter bunny thing for years.

christmas is over for our family.

JESUS' birthday I will celebrate with the Feast of Tabernacles.

and The Passover will be celebrated as well. JESUS' sacrifice and resurrection.

This Information and much more is in this video:

Archaeology Proves the Bible is TRUE!WATCH DOWNLOAD←click

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yeshuaessenor at 5:26:00 PM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 1 comments: (Add your own)
    Amen, just preach it like it is! : ) Time to let go of those "traditions of men" we won't nullify the Word of God by our traditions. When it comes between the Word and lousy traditions guess what I will toss overboard? TRADITIONS OF MEN... amen.
    Comment from setcaptivesfree - 5/25/05 10:47 PM


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