
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Praise Report and Thanksgiving to GOD! Bye Bye, Wilma!


Wednesday, October 12, 2005



With the advent of Roe v. Wade in 1973, the door to eternity was prematurely opened for millions of unborn children who will never see the light of day. For every aborted child, there is a mother who found herself in the position of legally making a choice to end the life of her unborn child. There is a father who may have been the decision maker, or who may have stood by helplessly, being unable to prevent the death of his child. There are a number of reasons why the "choice" might have been made. Fear, lack of support, pressure from someone else, inadequate or erroneous information - or even selfishness can all play their part. How ironic it is that one of the most common statements made by a woman who "chooses" abortion is the fact that she felt she "had no choice." Whatever the reasons, the fact of the matter is that very few can go through this experience without emotional and even physical scars being left in its wake. With the millions of babies who have been aborted in the United States alone, it is a fair assumption that there are many women, and men, suffering the after-effects of this choice. Danny's Song is a final step in my own twenty-one year journey of healing. It was created as a means of offering hope to those who are hurting; of giving to others what God has given me.

There are a number of symptoms which indicate you may be suffering from a psychological condition called Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome. Many suffer from these symptoms and never relate them to an abortion in their past. Some of them may include the following:

  • Avoiding articles or TV programs that deal with abortion
  • Fearing punishment from God
  • Wanting to keep your abortion a secret
  • Discomfort around pregnant women, babies, children
  • Fear that you will be unable to get pregnant
  • Changes in relationships, especially with the opposite sex
  • Feeling that abortion was your only choice
  • Eating disorders
  • Increased use of drugs and/or alcohol
  • Sadness or depression, especially at certain times of the year
  • Suicidal thoughts or attempts
  • Nightmares, flashbacks, difficulty sleeping
  • Risky sexual behaviors
  • Decreased self-esteem

These and other symptoms very often occur years after the abortion has taken place. The following is a quiz created by the Elliot Institute which can help you determine if you are suffering from Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome:

  1. Do you find yourself struggling to turn off feelings or memories related to your abortion(s)? Do you need to keep reminding yourself to just forget it or put it behind you? Do you become uncomfortable around reminders of the abortion, such as being around babies or pregnant women, being in a doctor's office, or when hearing news reports about abortion?

  2. Do you feel nervous or anxious at the idea of telling a loved one about your abortion? Is your abortion a secret that is holding you back from greater intimacy with others? When you do choose to share your abortion experience with others, are you overcome with strong feelings such as anger, grief, or guilt? Is there an increased distance between you and your parents, siblings, or partner because of the past abortion(s)?

  3. Do you have trouble talking about the abortion issue as a political issue? When you do talk about it, do you find it hard to respect opposing views, or do you become overly emotional, either in support of or in opposition to it?

  4. Do you tend to look at life in terms of "before" and "after" the abortion(s)? Are there traits about your "self" before the abortion that you lost but would wish to regain? Has the abortion changed the way you look at yourself? Have you lost interest in taking care of yourself? Have you tried to become less attractive to avoid the risk of becoming involved in a relationship, love, and sex?

  5. Do you become angry or depressed more easily? Have you experienced "reconnectors" to your abortion, such as nightmares, flashbacks, or hallucinations, such as hearing a baby cry?

  6. Was there a period after your abortion when you experienced an increase in the use of alcohol or drugs? Have you experienced other forms of emotional deadening? Have you experienced any suicidal thoughts? Do you take risks that put your life in danger? Have you developed any eating disorders?

  7. Do you have trouble finding, building, or maintaining good relationships with people of the opposite sex? Do you have trouble with issues of trust and control? Do you get involved in hurtful or abusive relationships? Do you tolerate abuse because you feel you don't deserve any better?

  8. Do you experience periods of depression or heightened anxiety during certain months of the year, particularly during the months that would correspond to the month of your abortion or the due date of the aborted pregnancy?

  9. Did you have a faith in God that you have now lost? Are you afraid of God? Are you angry at God? Have your rejected your religion for emotional rather than thoughtful reasons?

If you have answered yes to three or more of the previous questions, post-abortion counseling may help. There are a number of resources listed on the Links page. If you are hurting, please believe there is real hope. It is my prayer that this website will assist you in your journey of healing. Please take advantage of the Bible study and Memorial Room.

I have included my own personal story in the hopes that it will be an encouragement to you. It is not easy to take the steps towards healing. It involves revisiting painful memories and emotions. But as one who has already made this journey, I can promise it is well worth it.

Perhaps you are now contemplating making the choice to end an unplanned pregnancy. Know ALL the facts before you make a permanent, unchangeable decision. It is wise to get your facts from a resource that does not make a profit on any decision you might make. There are several resources listed on the Links page. You may want to read the stories of women who have made the choice in the past. The decision you face is incredibly difficult and life-changing, no matter what choice you make. Do not rush into it uninformed, or misleadingly informed. Do not allow someone else to make the decision for you. You will live with your choice for the rest of your life.

Please feel free to use my banner for linking purposes.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Tag

A Tag


Read Betty's Tag: http://journals.aol.com/lv2trnscrb/Ofmini-pawsandmenopause/entries/182

*I AM: a Christian BUT also an adulteress who has repented and asked for forgiveness...(I was divorced and remarried).*

*I WANT: GOD to bring me out of this sin.

*I HAVE: beautiful children

*I WISH: Jesus would come back NOW!

*I HATE: spiritual wickedness in high places

*I MISS: my family - noone lives nearby.

*I FEAR: hell.

*I HEAR: the hum of the computer.

*I WONDER: How GOD's going to get me out of THIS* mess, and why the church doesn't teach about 2nd marriages being ADULTERY!


*I ALWAYS: believe in, trust, rely on GOD's WORD over all opinions and what men say.

*I AM NOT: a wimpy Christian - the devil has an adversary here.

*I AM NOT ALWAYS: as kind and loving as I wish to be.

*I NEED: um, can't think of anything (though 'a spanking' comes to mind) .

*I SHOULD: clean my home.

I'm tagging everyone that reads this and wants to do it. Leave me a link if you do it :)

Thanks to you, Betty.

yeshuaessenor at 10:05:54 AM EDT (Link to this entry)
This entry has 2 comments: Hide Recent Add your own

    I am honored that you care, and for your friendship.
    Yes, please speak with your pastor's wife.

    Thank you again.

    love you, Sis!
    Comment from yeshuaessenor - 10/6/05 10:51 AM

    Cammie; thanks for doing this. Cammie, I just don't like the way you see yourself. May I ask my pastor's wife who I consider to be a wise woman what her answer would be to God's take on divorce and if you are an adultress? I won't mention names or circumstances. I think you are beating yourself up too much about it.

    And its true, you have beautiful children!

    Comment from lv2trnscrb


LOVE: October 2005

Fire of GOD

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